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Vegetable and Bedding Plants

$2.79 per 4 pack
$3.99 per 6 pack
$21.99 per flat
$4.99 per 4" pot

Current Availability: Inventory

In Stock

Begonia - Super Olympia Red, Super Olympia White

Dusty Miller

Impatiens- Beacon Rose, Beacon Salmon, Beacon Violet Shades, 




Marigold Discovery Yellow

Current Availability: Text

Hanging Baskets

Sold Out

Single Hanging Basket - $21.99
Combination Basket - $24.99 - $29.99
Specialty Basket - Prices Varied
Geranium Basket - $21.99

Current Availability: Inventory

Geraniums - Limited Availability

Red, Dark Red, Pink, and more....

Geraniums are full sun hardy plants which create beautiful blooms to add color to your planters and window boxes.
6" - $9.99
10" - $21.99
Hanging Basket - $21.99

Current Availability: Inventory


Boston, Kimberly Queen, Asparagus

Boston Ferns Hanging Basket - $24.99Kimberly Queen 3 gallon - $24.99 Australian Sword Fern 3 gallon - $32.99 Boston Fern Hanging Basket

$6.99  Asparagus Fern 4" pot

$21.99 Asparagus Fern Hanging Basket

Current Availability: Inventory

Sold out

Prices start at $19.99 and up.

Current Availability: Inventory

Mosquito Plants Sold Out


Citronella scents that naturally repel pesky mosquitoes.

Current Availability: Inventory

Crepe Myrtles, Lantana Trees, Hibiscus Bushes, Boxwood, Butterfly Bushes, Gardenia, Nandina, Loropetalum, apple trees, blueberries, figs, blackberry, Dogwood and more...

Call for pricing 

Current Availability: Inventory
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